Engine - 999cc Kawasaki FX1000

Find the parts for your 2021 Rogue at Badboypartsco.com. We have the Engine - 999cc Kawasaki FX1000 parts and all the Bad Boy parts you need.

Image Position Number Product Title SKU Price Quantity Buy Now
018-6049-00 - 3/8-16 X 1 GR 5 Hex Bolts Zinc 018-6049-00 - 3/8-16 X 1 GR 5 Hex Bolts Zinc 018-6049-00 $0.69
018-0074-00 - 7/16-20 x 2 3/4 Hex C/S GR 8 Yellow Zinc 018-0074-00 - 7/16-20 x 2 3/4 Hex C/S GR 8 Yellow Zinc 018-0074-00 $2.67